EMFs protection for you and for your family!
Patented products for personal and commercial use
Spinor UK is the UK spin-off from Spinor International Ltd.
EMFs stands for the Elctromagnetic Fields
Let’s speak about the electromagnetic radiations
Each time we make a call, navigate online in 4G [soon in 5G] or use wifi our entire body is exposed to invisible but very dangerous radiations. These radiations also called EMFs [Electromagnetic Fields], come from the radio frequencies and their intensity which come from our mobile devices [phones, tablets, laptops, routers…]. They also are transmitted by our telecom relays with higher energy in this case. There is plenty of evidence of hidden side effects on human health. A lot of research is actually conducted by official authorities and can be consulted by anyone. But, they are difficult to find because it is not a lovely and trendy topic. Usually, the information concerning this topic is hidden behind the scene. That is why on our blog we will highlight the most relevant and important published studies and information in order to help as many people as possible.
Let’s speak about the electromagnetic radiations
Each time we make a call, navigate online in 4G [soon in 5G] or use wifi our entire body is exposed to invisible but very dangerous radiations. These radiations also called EMFs [Electromagnetic Fields], come from the radio frequencies and their intensity which come from our mobile devices [phones, tablets, laptops, routers…]. They also are transmitted by our telecom relays with higher energy in this case. There is plenty of evidence of hidden side effects on human health. A lot of research is actually conducted by official authorities and can be consulted by anyone. But, they are difficult to find because it is not a lovely and trendy topic. Usually, the information concerning this topic is hidden behind the scene. That is why on our blog we will highlight the most relevant and important published studies and information in order to help as many people as possible.
How it works?
We will not enter into many details, we will try to simplify the explanations as much as possible.
Many research shows that we can make a distinction between the Electromagnetic fields and the torsion fields. The torsion fields are like a result of the EMFs. They probably are the main issue for our health and for our well-being, when we are expose to the Electro Smog.
Mobile devices [and all electric devices in general] produce EMFs and by consequences, many torsion fields. There are two types of torsion fields: the levorotatory torsion fields [field who spin to the left side, also called anticlockwise field] and the dextrorotatory torsion fields [field who spin to the right side, also called clockwise field]. To make some shortcuts, the bad torsion fields are the levorotatory fields. They are produced by all our modern electronic devices, and they can cause on us damages, regarding our body cells!
Human beings and animals can easily recognize and deal with the dextrorotatory torsion fields [field who spin to the right side, also called clockwise field].he dextrorotatory torsion fields are present in the nature from the very beginning and during our evolution we have learnt from them, it takes part of our healthy life. But, Human beings can’t recognize and deal effectively with the levorotatory fields [field who spin to the left side, also called anticlockwise field], these torsion fields are not often present in the nature, and they are dangerous for us.
By using one of our Spinor device, the harmful levorotatory torsion fields [anticlockwise] emitted by the electronic devices are totally neutralized by the dextrorotatory torsion fields [clockwise] who are emitted by our spinor products. Our Spinor devices enter in resonance with the emitted EMF’s and produce dextrorotatory torsion fields. Spinor’s production of dextrorotatory torsion fields communicate to our body and to our cells an essential and vital information. It is exactly this kind of information which is necessary to our body cells be protected!
For more explanations and for more theory and proof of evidences you can follow our articles on our blog section.
Spinor devices do not…
Switch off the electromagnetic fields. They will not supress the wifi signal for instance.
SPInor DEVICEs will…
Produce the essential information field by transforming the bad torsion fileds in a good ones, [Fields understandable by our body]
What is inside our EMF shields?
Our Spinor devices contains a mineral called “shungite” which come from a natural area located in Karelia [Russia]. This stone contains a certain amount of fullerene. These are carbon atoms arranged in a very particular geometric arrangement that looks like a football. This atomic arrangement, unusual for carbon, creates nanostructures in the form of a sphere. These nanostructures have very convenient physical properties. These hollow structures can trap atoms other than carbon or even subatomic particles. These fullerenes have also the property to generate positive dextrorotatory torsion fields [clockwise] by transforming and eliminating the [harmful] levorotatory torsion fields [anticlockwise].
When and how to use our products?
In the pushair
If you do to the countryside leave it at home.
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US Patent for the Forpost-1 Spinor Device
Hello all, Just a little article to give you the possibility to view or download the USA Patent for our Forpost-1 Spinor device. Just click on the link underneath to see it! Have a nice day. Alexandre